In the Beginning . . .
CVWS.NET started as my undergraduate Computer Science dissertation project at the University of Sheffield. In addition to the code, the deliverables were a Poster that summarises project, and a written Report. For those wishing to use libCVWS, the poster is worth reading as it gives a brief overview of how the system works and the level of performance that can be expected from it. The report may be dipped into for techincal details or evaluation specifics but should not be required in order to use the library.
The Present Day
CVWS.NET is maintained in my spare time as a hobby project. The intention is to make further developments to the library as and when I have the time available, with the main aim being to further my knowledge of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, two fascinating areas of Computer Science!
The Future
Step 1: Make computers solve word searches
Step 2: ????
Step 3: PROFIT!!!
There is no long term plan for this project; it was specifically chosen to have no commercial value and never become anything too serious, allowing for it to remain an unadulterated technical challenge and learning tool.